

Just wanted to let interested parties know that Mike's cell phone is currently the only way to get a hold of us. My cell phone just got commandeered by the Authorities, and our land line has become increasingly unreliable. If you've called our land line and we never called you back, sorry. We're not ignoring you, we just haven't got the message. So for now, Mike's cell is it. (Or, you could always revert to email. I'm usually better at email and other semi-anonymous forms of communication anyway.) If you need the number leave a comment and we'll send it to you.

Christmas post to follow once other people start blogging about it so I can steal their pictures. =D
(Here's one I've already stolen:)


  1. Yo Mel. Who the heck took your phone? Want me to beat them up? Unless its like your parents or something... I don't think I could do that cause I like them. Also, have you ever read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If you haven't, you should. I think you would like it, and it will keep you occupied - its 1200 pages with tiny font. I only have 700 more to go!

  2. I can't believe that I just wrote, "like your parents..." Really? Am I 15 again? Ridiculous.
