
Today's Best Primary Quotes

  • Is your nose a monster? (Right after Melissa blew her nose really hard)
  • Sometimes my brother wears a dress.
  • Lucifer? Like the cat in Cinderella?


  1. Ahhhhh Primary. Classic, ehhh? Yes. Yesterday, one boy told me that he ate something green for dinner last night and so his poop is green today. And did I want to see?

    AND, THIS happened during sharing time:
    Sis Green: When you took the sacrament today, did you try to think about Jesus?
    Little boy: Yes. Sometimes I think he's an alien coming to destroy earth and then I close my eyes and see all those blue dots - those are the aliens - and then I think that Jesus would destroy the aliens so we're safe.
    Sis Green: .................................................................................................So you're grateful for being safe on earth?

  2. personal favorite is the monster nose comment! :) am actually wondering if Trav's nose is a monster, considering everything it sends streaming out of it... ;)

  3. Hey- we got spammed from Asia! Does that mean our blog is famous?!??

  4. I died laughing over the "Lucifer - as in Cinderella" comment!

    Last Friday Lindsey went to Bible Study with her friends. The teacher said something about the Trinity. Lindsey raised her hand and said, "They're not all 1 person. How can they be all one person?" The teacher said, "The same way an egg has an egg-yolk, an egg-white and an eggshell." Lindsey replied, "But God isn't an egg!" The teacher thought about that, then changed the subject.

  5. my fave was "my brother wears a dress." classic.

  6. Personally, I liked the Sister Green story. It sounded so honest.
