
Movie Trailers Done Well

I love movie trailers.  It follows, then, that I would appreciate movie trailers that are well made.  My definition of a well made movie trailer is:

-One that does not give away the ending of the movie. 

-One that does not assassinate the plot or any key story lines before I've even seen the film.

-One that does not set up unrealistic or misleading expectations. (To this day I am convinced this is why M. Night Shyamalan's The Village did poorly at the box office.  The movie is brilliant, but poor advertising made audiences expect a horror/thriller flick, and were therefore confused and annoyed when they got a love story.  Never mind that it's the greatest love story since Romeo and Juliet.) 

-One that does all the above and still manages to show why this movie is different from every other movie ever made (read: why I should see this rom com instead of the 83460879074 other rom coms being released this year.  Without revealing the ending.)

I think this is actually harder than it sounds.  Movie trailer creators have to cram an entire movie's themes, energy, mood, and conflict into a couple of minutes, maximum.  And yet, some really pull it off.  Great movie trailers are their own stand-alone versions of entertainment, not just advertisements.  Which is why I like them.   

So what movie trailers rock?  Well, the brand new Hunger Games trailer sure does:

And, just for fun, here are some of my other favorite movie trailers.  Enjoy.

(What?  you thought I'd get through an entire post without referencing Harry Potter?  Pssshhh.)


  1. Here here on the Hunger Games Trailer!! Cannot wait to see it!!! Did you watch Snow White and the Huntsman? Loved that as well as far as trailers go! xoxo

  2. http://www.fandango.com/affiliateprogram

  3. The Hunger Games trailer looks amazing!!!! I have a thing for trailers as well.:)

  4. Ohhh darn it. You forgot the key ingredient to the ultimate trailer... people chanting in Latin.

  5. I'm looking for a book for Sam and Jake. Any suggestions?
