

So, I'm writing a paper right now about fear, and I need some help. I've already got a good chunk written, but to complete it I need to know...

What are you afraid of?

(All types of fears, large and small, are acceptable answers. For example: heights, darkness, swimming in the ocean, rejection, republicans, Barbara Walters, clowns, relationships, elevators, being alone, death, E.T., hippies, etc.)


  1. der bel
    i luv you. i love the zoo. do you luv me? do you luv sophie?
    luv ya lots,

  2. my kids choking
    natural disasters
    being unprepared - or being without Bryce - when a disaster strikes
    that i'll never sleep through the night again :)

  3. Loved ones dying.
    Falling off of heights (not heights themselves, necessarily, but driving on a road that is on the side of a mountain basically gives me a panic attack).
    Crowded elevators and the inevitable running-out-of-oxygen that would happen if it got stuck.
    The Tea Party.

  4. - Loved ones dying
    -Cars swerving into my lane on the freeway
    - My car breaking down on the freeway
    -Spiders walking across the airconditioning vent that is directly over my bed and being blown down onto my face while I sleep.
    -Bugs in my bed in general
    -one of my nieces or nephews falling into the polar bear exhibit at the zoo.
    -being paralized.
    I could go on but I'll spare you. PS I miss seeing your face.

  5. Yo Bel -

    from me...
    -getting more callings. I think I'm maxed out right now.
    -bedrest for any reason (how utterly boring)
    -high ledges
    -more food allergies in this house
    -potty-training (which might explain a lot right now)
    -anything that interferes with my family's safety

    From Sam
    -mean people
    -new situations
    -lots of people (direct quote, "Mom, I don't like people"
    -scary TV/movies (such horror shows like Toy Story, certain Curious George episodes, or the space documentary we watched the other night)
    -BYU losing tonight (and not matching Nate when he shows up - he better be wearing a byu shirt)

    From Zack
    -not getting his way
    -actually matching when he gets dressed
    -playschool being canceled
    -BYU losing tonight

    From Matt
    -never getting out of a law firm
    -large groups of people and "forced family fun"
    -the bad karma from all the innocent spiders Marci has forced me to murder over the last 8 years.

  6. Telling my wife I no longer eat vegetables...

  7. Me dying, or loved ones. Disasters in which I would have to choose which of my spawn to save (eerily specific, I know. But I think about these things. Please still be my friend.) Cancer. Movies or books in which there is torture-- weirdly I'm not as scared of me being tortured (logical, not like there is the threat of it), I just get terrified reading about it or watching it in a movie knowing that people have the capability of doing that to each other. Ummmm, jail. Bees. High school. You know, all the usual stuff.

  8. Dying. Dying at an early age, dying from something stupid, loved ones dying.

    Driving between two semis. Freaks me out and I swear they are closing in on me. I pretty much stop breathing when it happens.

    Small spaces. I get clasterphobic.

    Spiders, snakes, and anything creepy.

    Flesh eating bacteria. No joke. I swear it's going to get me. Steve totally thinks I need help.

    Nuclear war.

    Earthquakes, tornados, flash floods, you name it. Natural disasters.

  9. Loved ones dying.
    Tidal waves. I used to have a recurring nightmare as a kid where I was down on the beach up against a large sea cliff, and suddenly a large tsunami like wave was heading for the shore. Yikes!)
    Big government. ;)

    When I was a kid there were three main ones:
    intruders in our homes
    Being paralyzed while skiing
    Being kidnapped

  10. Really confined places like tight cave openings that are longer than I am.

    Drunk drivers.

    Psychotic people with weapons.

  11. Girls
    Gas prices
    Getting married before my missionary comes home
    Being cold
    Justin Bieber
    Chris Kaman
    Country music

  12. snakes
    hairy men
    Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
    driving on the freeway (even though I do it almost daily)
    Nightmare Before Christmas (possibly the most scary thing besides snakes)
    ohhh, and snakes.

  13. Oh, and the Yogurt Gang. And Vitamin B12. And ninjas. But not wizards.

  14. Thought I'd give you one more post to up your number of comments so you felt extra loved.


  15. Is Lizzie Jones calling you prego? Sweet.

    I thought of more.

    Being burned alive.
    Getting into a car accident on a bridge, falling into a river/large body of water and not getting my freaking window rolled down fast enough, and also having to decide which kid to save first.
    Running out of a burning building with only 2 arms for 2 kids. (my advice: never have more than 2 kids. it will spare you this ridiculous neurosis.)
    The student loan number that just sits in the bank (I picture a "Jabba the Hut" made of money) and accrues interest faster than I can contemplate.
    That one day I'll wake up and nobody will understand my sense of humor, and I won't understand anybody else's sense of humor, and I'll be forever isolated and only able to laugh at myself.
    Having babies every nine months until menopause kicks in at a frighteningly late age.

  16. That is a good one, Liz. Being in a situation where you only have so many hands and more kids than you could help. Scary. Student loans I definitely try to forget, but yes I am scared of them. Those two I will add to my list also. I thought about one more thing I am scared of: losing my mind ( has that not already sorta happened after I started having children?). No, really. I watched my Grandmother completely lose it. I don't want to be like that. I tell my husband if I ever go there just run me over and make it look like an accident.and actually, I am scared of a lot of things.

  17. ARE you prego? Am I missing something?

  18. Hahahaaaaa, sorry Mel.

    Dear everyone: "prego" means "you're welcome" in Italian.

  19. Hahahahahaha, NO I am definitely not prego. (I checked.) Grazie, Chief. :)

    ANYWAY, thanks for all your comments! You have given me a lot of material to work with. Rock on.

  20. Max's response:
    the comb
    the vet
    taking a bath

    Chief's response:
    that his peeps will leave him
    the groomer

  21. From Dad:
    potential lawsuits from the dogs biting someone
    that the trash man won't come

    From Mom:
    identity theft

    that pinky will get lost

  22. - Jonathan dying young and leaving me alone
    - Back pain
    - Tight spaces
    - Being unprepared
    - Math

  23. Is your paper done yet?
    In case it isn't, here is a few more
    Knees that won't work anymore,
    and Fire.

  24. too bad i haven't looked at this sooner. i have a good one: curling irons.

    and yes, i'm dead serious.
