

If you are reading this, then you must take the quiz.

No exceptions.

This means you.

1. Vegetables are:
A) Delightful
B) Healthy
C) Consumed only if Organic
D) Necessary
E) Good raw, but not cooked
F) Good cooked, but not raw
G) For Gardeners
H) Too Expensive
I) Avoidable
J) Only in grocery stores so vegans don't die
K) Annoying
L) What Food eats
M) Recurring in my nightmares
N) Pure Evil
O) Voldemort resurrected into 9 trillion horcruxes. (Yes, there is a level worse than "Pure Evil.")


  1. A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M.

    I might be conflicted about this subject.

  2. I'm going to go with B and sometimes A.

  3. I'm gonna go with A... haven't you ever just got a craving for something green?

    Or maybe I just haven't been getting enough in the last few days.

  4. O is too genius. I must go with O.

    And it is the best letter.

  5. Most def A. I LOVE most veggies. My current favorite - fresh green beans.

  6. Travis votes for F

    Sophie votes for A

    And I am going with L b/c it's too funny. And also D b/c it's my mom answer. And also B b/c every now and then I try to be health conscious.

    ps - what does the person with the most right answers win???

  7. I reserve the right to remain silent.

    Besides, you already know my answer(s).


  8. A, B, C, and D. Vegetables make the world go round. What prompted a veggie quiz?
