
Marriage Gives Me Hiccups.

It really does. I've had hiccups off and on for the past three weeks and it's driving me nuts. Between these sporadic synchronous diaphragmatic flutterings, I've learned some other things about marriage:

1- Sharing a bed means you do not sleep well. Ever. Good thing Mike doesn't have this problem, as he's the one with the early morning commitments. I, consequently, achieve my best bouts of REM cycles between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Never later than that though...

2- You pay a lot more attention to the foods you consume, and when you consume them, when you care for the nutritious diet of someone else. Oreos for lunch just don't fly anymore. I've found my culinary domestication has forced me into planning meals an entire week in advance- something I have never before done in my life. Jury's out as to whether this will last or not. (I still have a bag of Oreo's in the cupboard, just in case.)

3- Being married, as opposed to engaged, means you have to start dating again. And I thought I was done with the dating scene. HA! Now we date other couples. It's the same thing as normal dating, just with twice as many people. You set a time to get together, have dinner, play games, have some dessert, talk, laugh, and go home wondering if the other half had fun or not, if they'll call you again, who else they've dated, etc. Mike and I have been on two married dates so far. We have learned from these experiences that we are hilarious, regardless of whether the other couple laughs at our jokes.

4- Conversation just had with Mike:
Mel: "Hey Mike, what have you learned from marriage?"
Mike: "........... Nothing."

That's my husband, everyone.


  1. I could have predicted that response from Mike.

  2. I love that post. I can totally relate! Just to let you know though somehow the sleeping in the same bed gets easier. I guess you get used to it. The problem now is that James claims he can't sleep unless I'm in the bed, AND not reading. Even by flashlight! (not a great improvement).

  3. Let's hear it for Oreos!

    What??? I said that????

  4. i know with the dating. at least now you have a partner in crime to bail you out/blame things on. don't sweat not getting in touch with us, i just thought i'd throw it out there in case you needed a break from the honeymooness of it all.
